#ClimateCrisis2024MaryThompson The Puzzle of Bizarre Sound

This project is based on the discussion of the context of the human world, starting from the strange sound from the ocean Bloop,using sound as a medium, aiming to reflect on the impact of infrasonic waves formed by human activities on marine life. With the aggravation of severe climate change in recent years, governments in different political systems gradually turn the discussion of global warming into a political game. It was like a Rashomon. The unceasing noise of the bottom of the sea was like a sophistry in an infinite cycle of controversy that could not be traced back to its source. Based on this, the research of this proejct adopted a variety of reasons. By speculating on the causes of melting glaciers on the ocean floor, I aim to explore the underlying causes of their sound production in the context of global warming.

the puzzle of bizarre sound

This project is based on the discussion of the context of the human world, starting from the strange sound from the ocean Bloop,using sound as a medium, aiming to reflect on the impact of infrasonic waves formed by human activities on marine life. With the aggravation of severe climate change in recent years, governments in different political systems gradually turn the discussion of global warming into a political game. It was like a Rashomon. The unceasing noise of the bottom of the sea was like a sophistry in an infinite cycle of controversy that could not be traced back to its source. Based on this, the research of this proejct adopted a variety of reasons. By speculating on the causes of melting glaciers on the ocean floor, I aim to explore the underlying causes of their sound production in the context of global warming.

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