My work combines minimalist hand photography with intricate installations made from plastic and fishing nets. The hands represent humanity’s role, while the plastic marine creatures symbolize the fragile ecosystems we endanger. By suspending these installations, I aim to create an immersive experience that encourages viewers to confront the reality of ocean pollution.

Through my art, I seek to highlight the urgent need for environmental responsibility. Influenced by artists like Angela Haseltine Pozzi and Sayaka Ganz, I integrate their techniques with my own vision to challenge audiences to reconsider their relationship with nature.

My artistic practice explores the intersection between humanity and the environment, using art as a vehicle to raise awareness about critical issues such as ocean pollution. I strive to provoke reflection and action by blending minimalist photography with complex installation art. This approach allows me to visually communicate the stark contrasts between human actions and their impact on marine ecosystems.

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