Climate Crisis 2024

The last decade has witnessed the rapid escalation of over-production, with more and more second-hand clothing are transported to landfills or incinerators annually. This alarming trend motivates me to explores a feasible solution against hegemonic fast fashion. By blending traditional design techniques with digital media, this project visualizes an original sustainable fashion brand called “WeaveUP”.

I weave together symbolic elements and business models to craft a vivid portrayal of my ideal vision for the circular economy. We are all part of this supply chain, we are all culprits in global warming, and we all have the power to change it. I firmly believe that this artwork is created for everyone.

WeaveUP—A Feasible Solution to Fast Fashion

This over-consumption culture may lead to even serious climate issues such as global warming. In this artwork, I employ a visual representation of a sustainable fashion brand called “WeaveUP”.

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