My project, titled "Regenerative Footprint," is a reflection on the fashion industry's role in the climate crisis and my desire to create a solution that blends economic insight with environmental responsibility. The project was deeply influenced by economist Zhao Fengxue's philosophy, particularly his view that business can be the most effective vehicle for social change. This led me to develop the concept of the "Footprint Points Store," a system where consumers are rewarded for eco-friendly fashion choices. By incorporating the symbol "re"—representing reuse and regeneration—into my design, I aim to evoke a sense of urgency and responsibility. The project not only seeks to promote sustainable fashion but also to challenge the audience to rethink their consumption habits and their impact on the environment.

Logo for the business model

By incorporating the symbol "re"—representing reuse and regeneration—into my design, I aim to evoke a sense of urgency and responsibility. The project not only seeks to promote sustainable fashion but also to challenge the audience to rethink their consumption habits and their impact on the environment.

Sustainable business model

In this ideal cycle, consumers rewarded and benefit from their eco-friendly purchases. While brand achieve cost-effective access to their target audience and bolster their brand image. Meanwhile, FPS functions as a platform that not only monitor various brands but also generates profits through the sales of eco-friendly products. In this way, a sustainable business model is achieved.

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