My work explores the paradox between human comfort and environmental crisis, focusing on how air conditioning symbolizes the complex relationship within climate change. Through the use of strong contrasts in color and perspective, I attempt to guide viewers to reflect on whether our quick fixes truly solve the issues we face or merely cover them up. The vertical overhead view in my work highlights the tension between temporary relief and long-term damage. The themes of irony and contrast encourage reflection on the hidden costs of our everyday choices and their broader impact on the planet. I aim to provoke thought and action, urging people to gain a deeper understanding of the trade-offs we make and the future we are shaping.

Warming by Cooling

Figure 1. Zhang, Y. (2024) Warming by Cooling [Digital Illustration]

Warming by Cooling_Indoor

Figure 2. Zhang, Y. (2024) Warming by Cooling_Indoor [Digital Illustration]

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