Really? Does it look beautiful? #ClimateCrisis2024 #Coral #Darren

#Climate #Fantasy #Props

My work depicts coral’s last SOS signal. The coral fluorescence bleaching is not a beautiful process, but also shows the seriousness of the coral and conveys a dying message among the colourful appearance of the coral. I drew inspiration from the Netflix documentary ‘Chasing Coral’ . They said, 'Fluorescing is the coral's last chance at protecting themselves before they die.’. I imagined the coral wearing colourful neon armour and It gave me an idea of beauty and death. I used transparent materials to express the watery and moist feeling. In white bleached coral parts(inside), I used plaster and gel stone to express rough texture and bleak feeling. At first, the armour gives a colourful visual shock, and then, you can see the white and pale inside. Viewers can recognise the beautiful but dying message of the coral.


Design Sketch

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