#ClimateCrisis2024 #IanHolmes sea temperature

my project is about sea temperature that I made an installation for my project, this installation is in a clear box, an earth in middle of this box, and some bleached coral reefs are around this earth. The white bubble on the surface means the sea temperature is rising slowly.

My name is Zihan, I very like installation art, I prefer 3D things, I think an installation looks very beautiful. That is why I chose to make an installation for my project.
I think coral reefs bleaching is an obvious example to show people sea temperature rising. So, I used air-dry clay to make the bleached coral reefs. Corals are very important in the ocean, and earth has 71% area is ocean that I believe corals are important of the earth as well, so that means I put corals around the earth. Then the bubbles I just want to tell people the sea temperature is rising I know it is a little exaggerated, because bubbles will always be coming when water is heated.
Also, what's important for me as an artist is to have the ability to make something by myself, because I think it is really cool to be able to create something out of your imagination.

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