#group16_2024, # mateuszgalka


I never show my audience raw materials that have not been artistically processed, which is what a designer should do. My visual design always shows my ability to integrate information, I give individual words image symbols that can represent them, of course, these symbols are flat and direct, and I combine these symbols individually to show the meaning beyond the symbol itself.

I usually do not get into the working state immediately. I first read a lot to find the text information related to the theme of each work, which is usually some long articles, and even has statistics or tables. When I collect a large amount of text information, I refine their common concepts and transform them into images or symbols. For example, when I made the visual theme design of 22-degree environmental protection milk tea, my main object was not the milk tea itself, but I was discussing how to wake up people's low-carbon environmental awareness from beginning to end. I have read a lot of articles about global warming in climate disasters, among which the main contradiction is carbon emission. Therefore, I combined all the image symbols that can express green environmental protection and recycling, and combined them with tea, a biodegradable biological material, to form a visual concept image with green tea pieces as the main information element.

Arrange suitable images according to the main and secondary, guide or stimulate the audience's ideas through visual stimulation, and even interfere with their emotions. I think this is the charm of design that I feel. Just as I have shown in the visual theme design of 22 degrees environmentally friendly milk tea, the green leaves and surrounding circular symbols closely combine the two elements that seem to have nothing to do with climate disaster, and bring new ideas to each other.

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