sketch using pencil materials of a scene showing people move to other planets .people who have qualifications to migrate in front of the cage and preparing migration ,people who need to sacrifice behind the cage and make the voice to protest.the advertisement of screen is" Birth control",the government takes laws to decline the number of people

As an artist,I think that displaying concept clearly from inspiration and the work which reaches the levels of artwork styles are important.With the exacerbation of global warming, many people are influenced by it. I want to create a work to direct people’s attention to climate change.

I use sketch which is realistic drawing, something real which can resonate with the audience. In my work, there are two types of people: those who have qualifications to migrate and those left behind who need to sacrifice. It is partly inspired by "Pale Blue Dot"from Caroline Juang  .

Through my work, I want to raise the public’s awareness of climate crisis so that we do not need to move to other places in the future.

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