My topic is hurricanes. I explored how hurricanes form in nature and how they affect humans. I chose hurricanes for the simple reason that I love the sea very much, and hurricanes happen at sea, and the images they bring are particularly shocking, so I wanted to study them.
I'm going to make a 3D model. I named it "Moments." I first drew the outline of the model with wire. Then surround it with blowing agent. The foam of blowing agent is uneven and looks like a hurricane. I chose to use a glue gun to pull out the filaments and place them around the model. In terms of colors, I chose purple, cyan, blue and black.
Some people want to know why this model looks, how to say, beautiful? Shouldn't we talk about the dangers of hurricanes? In fact, I want to use the "beauty" of hurricanes to attract people and let people know that hurricanes are very dangerous. I think there must be people like me who saw photos of the hurricane online and thought it was spectacular. But behind the spectacle was a devastating blow. They are very destructive and not "pretty" at all, like the black dots in my model.

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