PlasticBumBag #Climatecrisis2024#Grant Ibbs#Group 7


For my independent project, I focus on the impact of plastic pollution on oceans. I created a bum bag using recycled plastic materials such as water bottles, plastic bags, and gloves. The body of the bag is made from a plastic bag, while the shoulder strap consists of five plastic bottles. To further I stuck a fish made from masks and added cup-up black plastic bags to represent polluted waves. Finally, I used the remaining materials in a plastic glove to symbolize that human actions cause this pollution.

The climate crisis is getting worse, and plastic pollution in the ocean is now affecting our health. When I thought about plastic pollution in the ocean, the first thing that came to my mind was marine life dying because of it. This sad phenomenon inspired me to create a bum bug that shows this feeling and I also made this main element of my design and placed it in the center of the bag.

This was my first time working in fashion design, and I was influenced by the artists Alma and Tatiana Pagés. They inspired me to choose recycled materials and create a specific type of work. Using recycled materials helps me to highlight the importance of recycling better and prevents my work from being another form of waste. Also, it highlights the harm plastic does to the ocean. I want the audience to realize that they should avoid littering plastic on beaches and try to use less plastic or recycle it.

Artist Statement

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