My project focuses on deforestation and explores the multiple impacts of human activities on the natural world with catastrophic global consequences. It is hoped that through this project, people can reflect on the destruction of nature by human activities and satirize the behavior of deforestation.

My work explores themes centered around deforestation, exploring the multiple impacts of human activity on the natural world with catastrophic global consequences. I am inspired by land art, a marvelous collision of art and environmental awareness, using art to communicate with nature.I created two illustrations to narrate the story.

I think that each tree is like writing a book that is full of life, so I used the special shape of "wood pieces" as the main element to show the traces of growth of the trees. At the same time, I combined it with the part of human beings above the wrist. In this work, "wrist" refers to the action taken by human beings for the purpose of cutting down trees. I interchange the identity of human beings with that of the constructed trees, and construct a scenario of the act of eating in our daily lives. In this way, the fragility of nature is expressed and the irony is conveyed that human beings' desire to cut down trees is the same as their desire for food, and that harming trees is like harming human beings themselves. Trees are a need that humans cannot give up, and it is hard for humans to imagine what life would be like without them. I confront "human logging" with "human security" in order to bring this issue to the forefront of people's minds.

Through the intersection of natural elements and art, I have skillfully placed these between trees and humans, the relationship between man and nature is symbiotic and coexisting, nature is not independent of us, the two must interact with each other. At the same time, this work also symbolizes the negative traces of human activities and the broken sound of nature, which seems to cry that the beautiful scenery and nature are gradually going away from us.

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