In recent years, extreme weather disasters caused by the climate crisis have become more frequent. Floods are like an invisible threat, but many people don't realize we are in danger because they haven't experiences it personally. In August 2024, Libya suffered severe floods that killed nearly 200 people, injured hundreds, and destroyed thousands of buildings. It is clear that the floods are breaking out all the time. If we don't control it, they will undoubtedly overwhelm us in the future. So, I want to create a series of painting to show the dangerous and impact of flood, I hope to drawing people's attention to the environmental crisis. I have depicted flooding scenes, divided into four themes: danger, impact, feelings, and trauma. These themes highlight the helplessness and insignificance of people when facing floods. I hope that through different perspectives, people can feel the damage caused by floods in various area and realize the seriousness of the climate crisis.

(silent scream)

(Nightmare Beneath the Waves)

(Souls Under Siege

(Fleeing Nature's )

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