Dry and Cracked farmer #climatecrisis2024 #GrantIbbs #Group07

I tend to focus on people who are living arduously from the lower-class in society and I care about their lives. When the subject of the climate crisis came up, I thought of this group first who have to cope with more difficulties. In addition, I was influenced by an oil painter called Anhua Zhang and I agree with him that art works which can draw people's attention to social issues and possess the humanistic spirit can generate the power that touches people’s heart. So, I chose to create an image of a farmer and show what impact the climate crisis has had on his lives, The main element in my art work are the cracks which is the most prominent feature of the dry ground and I express it in many materials, such as pigment, cloth and light. Additionally, I utilized hyperbole to make the cracked hat as the visual focus to express the theme of the drought. These cracks in the hat indicate the scarred earth.

I tend to focus on people who are living arduously from the lower-class in society and I care about their lives. When the subject of the climate crisis came up, I thought of this group first who have to cope with more difficulties. In addition, I was influenced by an oil painter called Anhua Zhang and I agree with him that art works which can draw people's attention to social issues and possess the humanistic spirit can generate the power that touches people’s heart.

So, I chose to create an image of a farmer and show what impact the climate crisis has had on his lives, The main element in my art work are the cracks which is the most prominent feature of the dry ground and I express it in many materials, such as pigment, cloth and light.

Additionally, I utilized hyperbole to make the cracked hat as the visual focus to express the theme of the drought. These cracks in the hat indicate the scarred earth.

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