#climatecrisis2024#GrantIbbs#Group7 Plastic and Sea pollution


I have been concerned about the pollution of the ocean and this project I focused on the pollution of plastic waste to the ocean, and I used the plastic garbage I collected to make my final work. I tried to show people all the evidence I know about the oceans and told people they were polluted by plastic. In my work I hope that people will pay attention to the huge impact of their own actions on the ocean, rather than treating Marine pollution as a normal phenomenon and disregard the suffering of Marine life. The extent of pollution in the ocean is far beyond imagination, and my project is not to remind people about the pollution of plastics in the ocean, but to warn people stop causing pollution.

The cycle of plastic

Pollution that humans discard in the oceans eventually finds its way back into humans' body.

The cycle of plastic

Pollution that humans discard in the oceans eventually finds its way back into humans' body.

The cycle of plastic

Pollution that humans discard in the oceans eventually finds its way back into humans' body.

The cycle of plastic

Pollution that humans discard in the oceans eventually finds its way back into humans' body.

I have been concerned about the pollution of the ocean and this project I focused on the pollution of plastic waste to the ocean, and I used the plastic garbage I collected to make my final work. I tried to show people all the evidence I know about the oceans and told people they were polluted by plastic.

In my work I hope that people will pay attention to the huge impact of their own actions on the ocean, rather than treating Marine pollution as a normal phenomenon and disregard the suffering of Marine life. The extent of pollution in the ocean is far beyond imagination, and my project is not to remind people about the pollution of plastics in the ocean, but to warn people stop causing pollution.

The cycle of plastic

Pollution that humans discard in the oceans eventually finds its way back into humans' body.

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