Influenced by the Conceptual Art movement (1960s-1970s), my artistic style emphasises thought and method in the creative process, with strongly socio-political tones. Combining installation and performance, I express my strong dissatisfaction with the inaction of international governments in addressing social issues, including climate change and climate migrants. I crafted a half-man, half-animal mask using light clay and collected discarded objects in specific areas to form the ‘sphere.’ Wearing the mask, I dragged this ‘sphere’ to simulate the migration routes of those displaced by the climate crisis and capture these moments. Through this work, I hope that viewers will find it thought-provoking, encouraging them to reflect on the relationship between human and non-human life and the urgency of the climate crisis, as well as what we can expect from a human-based activity like art.

Element: 'Half-human, half-animal mask'

I created a half-human, half-animal mask using light clay and pigment, symbolising the connections between humans and animals.

Element: 'Sphere'

I gathered discarded artificial and natural materials into a massive ‘sphere,’ symbolising the possessions of climate migrants.

Who Are We And Where Are Our Homes? (I)

Who Are We And Where Are Our Homes? (II)

Who Are We And Where Are Our Homes? (III)

Who Are We And Where Are Our Homes? (IV)

Who Are We And Where Are Our Homes? (V)

Who Are We And Where Are Our Homes? (Ⅵ)

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