#ClimateCrisis2024 #Judgement Day #GrantIbbs

My final work is a digital illustration, and I have depicted a world in the future submerged by the sea. At the top of the picture is a blood moon, below the moon are cities surrounded by glaciers. Under the sea, there are national flags of various countries in blue. Meanwhile, At the center of the picture is a humanoid creature in black color sitting on a pile of red skeletons between two icicles. Finally, the entire work presents a post-apocalyptic scenario of rising sea levels.

I focus on the middle class and the upper class of society. Because they are the most knowledgeable and empowered group in society which can change and influence our society. Through my works, I want to warn and remind them of the harm of climate crisis.

My final work is a digital illustration, and I have depicted a world which submerged by the sea. I have conveyed different information through different colors, like blue buildings and glaciers represent rising sea levels, red moon and skeletons warn people of the consequences of destroying nature, and black creatures means the human self-righteousness and impact on nature.

Through digital painting, I try to show as many details as possible, and use a unique paint style to give the viewer a strong visual feeling. For example, I have combined lines and color blocks, without light and shadow and add patterned textures in my final work.

Artist Statement

Judgement Day

My final work is a digital illustration, and I have depicted a world in the future submerged by the sea. At the top of the picture is a blood moon, below the moon are cities surrounded by glaciers. Under the sea, there are national flags of various countries in blue. Meanwhile, At the center of the picture is a humanoid creature in black color sitting on a pile of red skeletons between two icicles. Finally, the entire work presents a post-apocalyptic scenario of rising sea levels.

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