This installation explores relationship between humans and nature by creating an installation accompanied by two contrasting atmospheric images and an audio narrative. One installation embodying dual meanings. Comparing two different images, It is horror or lovely?

Artist Statement
I created this installation embodies deforestation related to the climate crisis, reflecting people need to understand nature. It is enriched by real deforestation experience. In addition, this installation seeks to awaken the conscience of human willing to listen to the voices of trees.

I explore why there is always an unbreakable barrier between human and nature. In my work, I believe this barrier is languages, but the language of nature remains abstract and often unheard. I want to actively listen to the silent voices of these felled trees and develop a language for them. I hope to create a ‘bridge’ where humans can understand the trees. These materials are fragments from barren forest that symbolize their powerlessness to deforestation. When people listen and touch the installation, maybe they can understand nature, which express emotions through the fragments of trees.

I hope people can understand nature through my installation and further humans can address the climate crisis.

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