The project about the global warming specifically in Saudi Arabia. I have done a lot of research about the causes of global warming, In addition to the reasons for high temperatures in the region. I have noticed that these are the most important elements causing the high temperature which is : lack of vegetation caused by firewood and overgrazing and desertification. And I named it Fregility.. the name comes from my feeling that the whole world is suffering from climate change in one way or another.


transmits the fragility of the world and areas suffering from global warming

I am a person driven by passion and curiosity. I create distinctive styles of design and I like to make ways easier and I face challenges.

I love how metals forms smoothly with me. I like to take it to different level, and create collision and contradiction. This craft pushed me to take on challenges and it broadened my perceptions. I am keen to reflect the diversity and richness of Saudi culture by expressing it with unique materials, techniques, designs, and original and uncomplicated.

My artistic project ( fragility ), which transmits the fragility of the world and areas suffering from global warming,
is a message to the new jewellery makers to complete their way in jewellery crafting and get out of producing a piece of precious metal by combining it with different materials from the environment and nature and trying to change the nature of these materials to revive the art of crafting jewellery in its modern concept.

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