My art explores the climate crisis, using sculpture to connect people to environmental issues and to raise awareness of the climate crisis and to have a deeper reflection. Attracting the audience through interactive sculpture. This work, The Heart of the Earth. Designed to resemble the heart, part of the sculpture's veins are decorated with factory chimneys and Sewage pipeline, representing the impact of the climate crisis on the Earth's ecosystem. The other part is decorated with the look of a forest, representing the natural environment. When people touch the continental part of the heart the colour changes, symbolizing global warming. This interaction is crucial as it demonstrates how human behaviour directly affects the environment. provoking reflection. In my work I explore the relationship between human and nature, using art as a tool to highlight the urgency of environmental awareness.

The heart of earth

The front of the sculpture.

The heart of earth

The back of the sculpture.

The heart of earth

The top of the sculpture.

The heart of earth

The side of the sculpture.

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