I created this embroidery work to showcase the predicament of marine creatures, make the audience realize that ocean acidification is a serious problem and awaken everyone to protect the ocean. The ocean is suffering from significant harm and many marine creatures are dying. I expressed this through the combination of injured marine creatures. I studied numerous conch elements because conchs are also creatures affected by ocean acidification. I combined the shape and color of conchs with fish to create a marine creature that seems to exist but actually doesn't. This work integrates the characteristics of many marine creatures. I like the magnificent style, so I used bead embroidery combined with French embroidery to complete the work. I am a maximalist and I like to complicate my works even more. Throughout this project, during the process of continuous attempts, I discovered the method of rapid embroidery, which gave me more confidence to try more embroidery techniques and make the work look richer.

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