I like to observe things around me to get inspiration for my works, and I also like the style of strong visual sense, like high saturation tones. Based on my observations,I saw a lot of garbage being burned and plastic everywhere.  people living in the countryside often dispose of garbage incorrectly. The climate crisis has had a serious negative impact on countryside. This prompted me to make posters to remind people pay attention on the climate crisis and stop the wrong garbage disposal.

Research by artist Mimosa Echard,  her symbolic use of materials inspired me. I made example artwork using a symbolic approach to materials. The example work is a bowl of "waste food" made from daily garbage that people often burn and commonly used plastic bowls. Symbolizes that wrong disposal of garbage is human's behaviors of break nature’s rules, but eventually the garbage will back to human beings, and the “waste food ”will become the life and destination of human beings in the future. I included the example works as the main body in the poster, and turned "a bowl of garbage" into a “burnt earth” by picture toning and adding elements, symbolizing the meaning of "burning garbage is burning the earth". Let people more visually understand the harm of burning garbage and prompt them to protect the environment.

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