'BUYING IS A TREND'#ClimateCrisis2024 #Group17

The name of my work is called’Buying is a trend’, which I want to show people that modern people are controlled by consumerism and fill the spiritual void. I make a poster to let people aware of overconsumption problem. When researching consumerism, I came across an article that showed that 80% of the objects in people's lives are unnecessary. I like to use posters to get my message across, it's fast and effective. What I like most in my poster is the visual effect. When the bar code and the face are interlocked. This visual effect makes people feel as if they are in prison and lose the ability to think and only buy. This effect is very effective and successful in the context of discussing excessive consumption. I was actually inspired by a poster of the same theme created by Stamp artists, barcode replacement of object faces, and I considered and combined the figure with "consumption" to make the theme clear and thought-provoking. Artist research and interviews reflect my work. Through interviews with people around me and research, I found that 80% of the items in people's lives are not necessary, and it is very wasteful to buy too much and not use it. This is where I learned the news and continued to improve my work.


The name of my work is called’Buying is a trend’, which I want to show people that modern people are controlled by consumerism and fill the spiritual void. I make a poster to let people aware of overconsumption problem. When researching consumerism, I came across an article that showed that 80% of the objects in people's lives are unnecessary.

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