I create with the goal of facing the problems of modern society and raising the audience's awareness through art.

I create with the goal of facing the problems of modern society and raising the audience's awareness through art. Raising awareness of serious issues, especially environmental pollution, is one of my important values. There are two reasons why I chose this topic. First, we live in a capitalist society in the pursuit of endless desires, and as a result, we constantly produce waste. Second, the environmental pollution that builds up in our indifference will eventually threaten human beings themselves. Therefore, I want to convey the seriousness of this problem through art and make the audience reflect on their actions.

During project, I was inspired by Damien Hirst. Hirst is famous for creating artworks using real materials. For example, he uses real sharks, trash in his artwork to convey the intensity of reality. To follow this approach, I, too, collected real garbage and utilized it in my artwork. This material selection focused on delivering the message of the artwork to the audience more vividly. In this work, we visually expressed the environmental destruction that occurs in the endless cycle of capitalism and consumerism, especially by using trash that is directly related to the excessive desires of modern people.

I tried to show the environmental problems we face in the capitalism modern society directly that and imprint the seriousness on the audience. The theme that repeatedly appears in my work is human desire and the environmental destruction it causes. Through these themes, I would like to provide an opportunity for the audience to think about their actions and move in a better direction. In addition, the materials used in this work are actually discarded trash, and through this, I wanted to give a more intense visual shock to the audience.

Artist Statement

This is my Artist Statement

Desire and trash

This is my final work about people's desire and trash

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