My project focuses on exploring the issues of coastal pollution and climate crisis through a board game. In this game, players will take on the role of a mayor in a coastal town and compete with other players. Each turn players must decide whether to prioritize profit over damage or invest in mitigating pollution risks. By simulating the consequences on the environment from each choice they make, players will gradually learn the benefits of moderate and sustainable development and their significance in player competition. I tailored the game for children, it appears to me that educational content has a greater impact on younger minds than on adults. For this reason, I chose bright colors and a low-poly art style to simulate a cartoonish texture that is visually engaging for children. 

As a Master's student in UAL's Game Design program, I am committed to creating immersive play experiences and creating work that is not bound by constraints.

My IP is a board game based on coastal pollution and the climate crisis, inviting players to strike a balance between profit and sustainability as the mayor of a coastal town.

Influenced by Vlaada Chvátil's work, Through the Ages, I use worker-placement mechanics in this project to allow players to compete through resource planning.

The game uses a bright, low-polygon art style to capture the attention of children. Inspired by the plight of the Great Barrier Reef, my work focuses on coastal pollution and seeks to instill the idea of sustainability as distinct from extreme environmentalism.

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