The Floating Community on Water #ClimateCrisis2024 #Group10_Richard Thomas

I want to design a shelter for future human use in the event of natural disasters. The work is an architectural design titled "Floating Community on Water," which aims to provide a comfortable shelter for people affected by future natural disasters. The concept behind this design is to find a balance between nature and humanity, striving for harmonious coexistence between the two. My artistic work has been inspired by many designers' works. I selected lightweight materials, drawing inspiration from designer Shigeru Ban's 'The Paper Temporary House' project. This work was created and rendered using 3D modeling software. To convey a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere, I specifically chose to depict nighttime in one of the images, adding warm lighting for the rendering. To enable the small community to float on water, and I hope to raise awareness about environmental protection and encourage people to reflect on this climate issue.

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