As the economy grows and the climate gets worse, I'm a theater director, so I want to do something about it, I decided to create two characters that reflect this theme. In my work Patron saint, I choose the theme of sea pollution and mountain fire, which were presented in the form of photograph combined with performances. In this work, the artist Wan Yunfeng and the Chinese drama form give me a lot of inspiration. In the Patron saint (sea pollution), I mainly use clothing materials to simulate ocean garbage as a prop, and the Patron saint (mountain fire) is presented by Nuo. Through my works, I hope that people realize that in the face of climate crisis, people often pray for the presence of Patron saint, but this is often unrealistic. What we can do is to protect our living environment.

Patron saint(sea pollution)

Patron saint(mountain fire)

Patron saint(sea pollution)

Patron saint(mountain fire)

Patron saint(sea pollution)

Patron saint(mountain fire)

Patron saint(sea pollution)

Patron saint(mountain fire)

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