Echoes of the Forest #group16


My artistic values center on raising awareness about critical environmental issues through visually engaging and emotionally resonant works. I create to provoke thought and inspire action, aiming to bridge the gap between data and human knowledge. Firstly, I believe art has the power to communicate complex issues in a more accessible and impactful way than traditional methods(Papers, books). Secondly, I am committed to using my skills to contribute to social change in environmental protection.
This work inspired by artists Kanat Nurtazin and Takashi Kuribayashi. I constructed a "tree" from cardboard and green waste paper, with each leaf inscribed with quotes, statistics, and personal stories related to deforestation. This piece utilizes the elements of art, such as color and script, while combined with psychology to draw viewers in, guide their understanding. The green leaves are visually captivating, and the inscribed information encourages deeper reflection on the environmental impact of deforestation.
Influenced by both contemporary artists and my background in journalism and documentary photography, I create pieces that not only inform but also emotionally engage the audience. This project has taught me the importance of integrating research and practice, learned a more perfect and professional creative process. Moving forward,I plan to continue using my art to highlight environmental issues, hoping to inspire greater awareness and action.

Artist Statement

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