My work focuses on the climate crisis and asks” how to face our terrible situation”. The artwork was influenced by Yin XiuZhen and 3 Chinese art students and I used some ice cubes and household waste to create it. When I focused on the ice cube, I thought that is transparent and pure material. I put garbage into the ice to form a pyramid to represent human civilization, using indoor photography and controlled lighting to make the shape of the ice more three-dimensional. Outdoor shooting is very important to me because the work will completely melt in the end, leaving only a pile of garbage. The comparison between indoor and outdoor images makes me worry about the climate crisis. When the seemingly clean ice disappears in front of our eyes, leaving only dirty garbage, how will people think about the current crisis through my work?


My work focus on the climate crisis and it asks a question”how to face our terrible situation”. The artwork was influenced by Yin XiuZhen and 3 chines art students and I used some ice cubes and household waste to create it. When I focused on the ice cube, I thinking that is transparent and pure material.I put garbage into the ice to form a pyramid to represent human civilization, using indoor photography and controlled lighting to make the shape of the ice more three-dimensional. Outdoor shooting is very important to me, because the work will completely melt in the end, leaving only a pile of garbage. The comparison between indoor and outdoor images makes me worry about the climate crisis. When the seemingly clean ice disappears in front of our eyes, leaving only dirty garbage, how will people think about the current crisis through my work?

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