My project “Delivery Trash” is based on food delivery package pollution, and it is a book design on data visualisation. The food delivery package pollution is impact by plastic. Every year, more than 9,412,300 tons food delivery package waste producing in mainland China in 2018. The project combines research, data visualization, and personal experience to expose the issue of delivery packaging waste and its environmental impact. It uses a triptych book design made from recycled materials to stand for the complex relationship between packaging, consumption, and the environment. For this result, my aims to educated peoples to reduce using single used tableware and plastic product. After that, I also wanted to reflect the governments neglect of waste management and ineffective initiatives worsen the problem.

Book of Delivery Packaging Pollution-1.pdf

Research part

research on delivery package pollution

Book 1


Book 2 and 3

questionnaires and personal experience



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