My project has created two works that symbolize the destruction and impact of human beings on the natural environment. These two works use different forms of expression. One is a flat illustration and the other is a 3D model.     In the first work, I used the overlapping of lines and color blocks to depict Marine creatures harmed by garbage, which was inspired by my collage works. In the second work, I made a coral model using various common garbage and fiber fabrics, the art exhibition Washed Ashore and the artist Mariko Kusumoto inspired me.    For me, these two works represent the future of underwater coral reefs, where more and more colorful coral will be replaced by plastic trash coral and white coral. An important message I want to convey is that if the ocean continues to be destroyed, the Marine ecology will be irreversibly damaged, more and more Marine animals will lose their habitats, and the biological species will be drastically reduced. 

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