The back bite of water pollution-Anne-Group14#ClimateCrisis2024#AndrewFisher

Name: (Anne)Xinyi Kong Student ID: 22033060 Artist/Designer Statement What I want to express about the climate crisis is that human beings will be punished for their behavior of polluting the environment. I believe that only threats to human interests will be taken seriously. Secondly, it is a very objective fact that human beings can be affected by the environment. In my work, I used wire and yarn to wrap hands, placed resin on them to represent water elements, and then used silver foil to simulate industrial pollutants attached to the resin. I think the hand is the part of the human being that performs the pollution behavior, so the hand will be eaten by the polluted environment. I want to use my works to remind and warn the audience that the climate crisis is now a major problem that mankind will face.

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