This project is inspired by my memories of the experience of childhood.I lived in Guangzhou since I was 3 years old.I used to enjoy to walked around between modern city and ancient architecture, it feels traveling in two different space.Guangzhou is a city close to nature.I'd love to spend all of my time to explore nature when I was a child and even when I grow up.At the beginning of this project I'v done a lot of research of nature, however I choose to focus more on the culture of Guangzhou because it represent the deepest attachment of my childhood and it makes me have the connection of my own country although I did not realized.

Final sample photography.

Light and shadow.

Research of Yu Yin Garden

The window become an important element of my designing.

Bougainvillea speetabilis is the city flower of Guangzhou

Color test

Final sample

A test of heat press from my drawing.

Praying flags from the temple in Guangzhou.

watercolor painting.

Fashion development

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