An "immersive" experience that invites the viewer to virtually step inside the artist's bedroom. * “Closed Bedroom,” Petrica Bistran's first solo show, reflects on the new socio-political realities brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting with the question of the role of the artist in a time of crisis such as ours, the paintings initially created for this show served as a diaristic practice for experimentation and as a way of reflecting, amid confusion and anxiety, on the current events. The bedroom, which becomes part of the artwork itself, with its larger context of social distancing and self-isolation, locates Bistran's paintings between the inside and the outside, the private and the public, which further invites questions of how we negotiate our new experiences of communication and social interaction. Our homes seem to have become the new borderline between the private and the public, in that the “old private” is for now the new “technologically-mediated public.” The public is invited to "step inside" the artist's "closed bedroom" and experience virtually its ambiguous place and function in the world of the pandemic. Feel free to get in touch for a virtual viewing. Just drop an email at or send a message on Instagram @p.bistran

Closed Bedroom (detail)

Closed Bedroom (detail)

Closed Bedroom (detail)

find your balance (detail)

give it time (detail)

des-cribe, des-troy, re-des-ign (detail)

we were happy and then the virus came (detail)

we're all in this together, freak (detail)

p.bistran - it takes courage and hope

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