As an artist I have always tried to integrate Eastern aesthetics into my work, creating works with an Eastern philosophy, drawing inspiration from Zen philosophy and Chinese landscape painting and combining them with abstract painting, based on the frame of reference formed by Western modern and contemporary art, reflecting or reflecting on Chinese cultural traditions; the same time, starting from the cultural logic of Chinese contemporary art and the contextual relationship with art history, distancing myself from the West In addition, he develops his own rhetoric and expressions, and establishes his own methodology. In my practice, I find my place in contemporary abstract painting by studying and comparing the works of past and contemporary abstract artists, combining the creative languages of cold and hot abstraction in my paintings and creating a new narrative through the deconstruction of Chinese painting and calligraphy. In the picture I use different spatial layers of superimposition and overlay to form a surreal abstract space In the exhibition I have used a combination of oil on canvas and wall painting and an installation to create a field. I use excess materials from the woodworking workshop to create my installations and use their random shapes to form my works.

Hierachical misalignment

Hierachical misalignment

Hierachical misalignment

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