Inspired by bronze ritual vessels from the ancient period of China. Organic and geometric shapes are used for a sense of power and rituality. The ring near the mouth of the vase makes a metallic sound when the object is moved.

Ritual Vessels - Flower No.2

Inspired by bronze ritual vessels from the ancient period of China. Organic and geometric shapes are used for a sense of power and rituality. The ring near the mouth of the vase makes a metallic sound when the object is moved.

Ritual Vessels - Tripod

Inspired by bronze ritual vessels from the ancient period of China. Organic and geometric shapes are used for a sense of power and rituality. The mouth is small and nearly closed, deliberately making the object more like a building than a container.

Ritual Vessels - Flower No.1

Inspired by bronze ritual vessels from the ancient period of China. Organic and geometric shapes are used for a sense of power and rituality. The ring near the mouth of the vase makes a metallic sound when the object is moved.

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