Evil does not exist #ClimateCrisis2024MaryThompson

I have used the moving image as a medium to create a work named ‘Evil does not exist’ in my independent project. The aim of this project is to offer a comprehensive understanding of the connection between humans and nature by allowing viewers to gain insight into the invisible warnings present in nature, which is a reflection of the climate crisis around us. As you can see in my work, I depicted the interactions between nature and human behaviour using a thermal imaging effect, symbolizing the natural temperature. Additionally, I combined images with natural voice design in a psychedelic style to emphasise the theme that evil does not exist in nature, and that nature indirectly warns humans through its effects.

Since I majored in film directing at my bachelor degree, I have focused on expanding ways of narrative by searching the innovation potential of images. Based on this, I would like to give new cultural and practical meaning to public issues from a poetic perspective.

In the work ‘ Evil does not exist’, My moving images explore the invisible warnings present in nature to emphasise the theme that evil does not exist in nature. With influences from Adam sébire and Terike Haapoja, I experimented with a bold thematic narrative through creating visually appealing thermal imaging during my project.

As interactions between human and nature are redefined through thermal imaging practice, viewers would own a comprehensive understanding of the connection between humans and nature.

Evil does not exist

Since I majored in film directing at my bachelor degree, I have focused on expanding ways of narrative by searching the innovation potential of images. Based on this, I would like to give new cultural and practical meaning to public issues from a poetic perspective. In the work ‘ Evil does not exist’, My moving images explore the invisible warnings present in nature to emphasise the theme that evil does not exist in nature. With influences from Adam sébire and Terike Haapoja, I experimented with a bold thematic narrative through creating visually appealing thermal imaging during my project. As interactions between human and nature are redefined through thermal imaging practice, viewers would own a comprehensive understanding of the connection between humans and nature.

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