Megha Mahendra - profile image

Megha Mahendra

London College of Communication

BA (Hons) Photojournalism and Documentary Photography

About me

Megha Mahendra is a photojournalist and documentary photographer based in London, originally from Bangalore, India. Her work covers the themes of sustainability, ecology, sociology, animal welfare, and social and humanitarian issues that plague our society. She is particularly interested in exploring the nuanced and intricate layers of human nature and how we, as a species, relate to our surroundings, and her ideas gravitate towards the complex relationship between human beings and the spaces we occupy and how we encounter ourselves in the world. As an Indian who grew up in Bangalore, her work is inspired and shaped by India’s diverse and rich culture, and Indian ways of thinking are often woven into her projects.Studying at renowned philosopher J. Krishnamurti’s school has transformed the way she perceives and understands the world, reflected in the vision she brings to the table. She says, “I never cease to be curious about the world, and I have a deep interest in all things new and I like to discover new places, cultures and people because of my profound love for novelty and travel, but at the end of the day, it is very important to me that my vision, my imagery, and my ideas speak of and to my motherland and my culture.” All her projects are imbued with a sense of spirituality, philosophy, and existentialism, and she seeks to understand the self and, with that knowledge, the world.



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